My father shakes hands for me. For the last seven years I have been plagued by a rather exotic neurologic affliction that causes me considerable pain upon certain kinds of touch.
Read MoreWe learned that a very media savvy man, one who had intensely and passionately championed the health care bill and was on the fast track to becoming the mayor of New York, had significant adolescently pursued insecurities, had made overtures through multiple embarrassing tweets to women who – with the exception of the banalities strewn through these silly messages – initially been enthralled with his wit, charm and good looks.
Read MoreFor the past few months I have been working on special projects for my father. One of them is a collection of his sermons and talks that will be in a repository of the works of the country’s most respected preachers.
Read MoreI read Andy Himes book, The Sword of the Lord: The Roots of Fundamentalism in an American Family, with great interest.This fascinating, searing and brutally honest memoir examines Christian fundamentalism through the lens of Andy’s family and his own life.
Read MoreThis most wonderful video of the poem - If I Should Have A Daughter - expresses all of the sentiments of women toward their prospective daughters or the girl children that they love as daughters.
Read MoreMy friend, Rev. Wendell L. Griffen, pastor of the New Millenium Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, wrote this reflection on the US killing of Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011.
Read MoreSomething remarkable happened today. A year's worth of hard work at the gym paid off in an amazing way.
Read MoreOn one recent chilled and sunny day as I walked along the Cedar River, I passed by a man walking his dog. The dog was small and of indeterminate breed.
Read MoreI am over my parent's home, having just finished helping them prepare for a holiday party for my mother's women's "circle", a church charitable group.
Read MoreI went swimming last Saturday and saw something I have never seen before and expect never again to see: a prayer meeting in the hot tub.
Read MoreI, like much of the country, have been listening intently to the discussion about the new TSA security process. In many ways I am of two minds about it.
Read MoreI have a few ideas about how to keep Obama in office…
Read MoreI learned something important about myself and the self in an acting class today that was a bit unexpected. The teacher, Shanga Parker was explaining something that, on its face, is self-explanatory.
Read MoreThis is an excellent blog that responds succinctly to the issue, sometimes raised, of whether or not Obama is addressing an agenda relevant to people of color.
Read MoreSince the election of President Barack Obama, we have become an increasing uncivil society. It has occurred in surprisingly unlikely places (the floor of Congress during a Presidential address) and from unlikely persons (Senators and Congresspersons).
Read MoreWell, t’is the season. And it is a season that has become so strangled by political correctness that people don’t even know what to call it or what salutations to use.
Read MoreLast night I was invited to see The Hangover at the $3 movie theater by two male friends. I was curious about this film, billed as a male wedding movie. The truth is that I was unlikely to have seen it alone.
Read MoreWe are writing as two women who greatly admire you, contributed to your campaign, and campaigned for you.
Read MoreToday I had lunch with a male friend. Though disappointed by and tired of hearing about Tiger Wood's embarrassingly messy clay feet, I realized that I had only spoken about this with female friends. I wanted a male perspective.
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