Posts tagged Congress
What This Day in History Demands

This animosity has been a poor model for our children, shows a limited understanding of democracy (democracy demands that once you lose an argument, you give it up to the majority), has frightened our lenders and international partners and has already impacted the financial markets.

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Clean Your Own Glass House, Dammit!!

We learned that a very media savvy man, one who had intensely and passionately championed the health care bill and was on the fast track to becoming the mayor of New York, had significant adolescently pursued insecurities, had made overtures through multiple embarrassing tweets to women who – with the exception of the banalities strewn through these silly messages – initially been enthralled with his wit, charm and good looks.

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Health Care Is Treating Each Other Humanely First

Since the election of President Barack Obama, we have become an increasing uncivil society. It has occurred in surprisingly unlikely places (the floor of Congress during a Presidential address) and from unlikely persons (Senators and Congresspersons).

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