Impunity is a kill switch for racial progress - The Emancipator
The amazing Xavier de Sousa Briggs and I have a new viewpoint essay out, "Impunity is a Kill Switch for Racial Progress," in The Emancipator.
Xav explains it perfectly: "We argue that in spite of the widespread sense of stalled progress on racial justice in America, there is a hugely positive, tectonic shift to build on. But only if we recognize the chasm between a (real) moral awakening and stubborn resistance to institutional change--where impunity acts as a kill switch. And not for the first time in our history. We're deeply honored and grateful to be part of the visionary relaunch and reboot of The Emancipator, a critical media voice of the Abolitionist era, originally launched in 1820. Huge thanks to co-Editor in Chief Deborah Douglas, Professor Ibram X. Kendi & the partners--the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research and Boston Globe Media--for inviting us all to reimagine what emancipation means--and what it requires--now.